How did we determine what parts were reviewed in the Buyer's Guide?
The items chosen for review in the Buyer's Guide were selected based upon rate of sale and on interest by the shoppers at our retail and mail order outlets.
There are many parts we haven't reviewed because there was no general interest, they were too poor in quality, or merely a bad idea with an ill conceived design.
Many magazines invite a manufacturer to submit a part for review. What they receive is frequently a unique, "apple polished" model with above average quality and workmanship
characteristics. The specific parts reviewed in the Buyers Guide were written using items taken from our general inventory. There were no specific submissions asked for or accepted from manufacturers.
People occassionally ask if they can create a link to our site. Absolutely, by all means make it so! Create the link! We consider the Buyer's Guide most important
since many cyclists aren't aware of the breadth of parts available to serve the same purpose, and will never have a first hand experience of seeing or touching some of
the more pricey parts made, much less determining how well they are made or are likely to perform against their needs. We want the Guide available to as many cyclists
as possible so they can make the best and correct decision the first time they go to buy a part.
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