Porsche Q Style Yakima Fit List
Porsche "M" Table for Exact Tower Placement

Yakima Component Price List

PORSCHEWhatyoucan carry....
Year madeTower TypeAccessoryCrossbar length (suggested)Clips-type neededMaximum Crossbar spreadSki/Snow Boards?Bicycles?Kayaks?Canoes?Basket Case?Space Cadet?Rocket Box?Space Case?See these reference fit notes
914791C SSTTrunk Fit58"2 pr. of Y1526"-Possibly--Yes---34
911/ 912/ 930/ 964/ Carrera79/941A Raingutter-48"-26"YesYesPossiblyPossiblyYesYes--29, 36
92486/881C SST-48"2pr. of Y1924"YesYesPossiblyPossiblyYesYes--61
79/82Q Tower-48"2pr. of Q425"YesYesPossiblyPossiblyYesYes--112
1A Raingutter-48"-24"YesYesPossiblyPossiblyYesYes---
92879/93Q Tower-48"1pr. of Q30 & 1 pr. of Q418"YesYes--YesYes--78
94483/91Q Tower-48"2pr. of Q426"YesYesPossiblyPossiblyYesYes--112, 114
96893/94Q Tower-48"2pr. of Q424"YesYesPossiblyPossiblyYesYes--36, 61

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