Cogs - Chainrings & Crankbolts
Crystal Designs makes a finely machined chain ring guard. The guard bolts to the outside of the outer chainring on your Mountain Bike crankset. The Crystal Guard is made of 6.7mm thick aluminum plate stock that is machine cut to shape, not die cut. The cutting of the round shape includes 10 pair of half round holes on the edge. These provide an exact grip and edge for all the future machining the plate is put to. The plate is then milled on the back side in a 1/2" wide ring to reduce the thickness by half, providing a gap between the chainring and the plate. On the front side another 1 3/8" wide area is milled away. This reduces the overall weight of the piece and gives it stand-off relief.
These stages could have been done in a stamping process, but it would take away from the intrinsic strength of the plate aluminum. Large holes are then drilled through the face, as well as holes for the fixing bolts, which are recessed so there is no need for longer fixing bolts to be provided. The Crystal Guard is then anodized in Black, Lavender, or Silver. They are made in four sizes, one to protect 46 and 48 tooth, another to protect 50 tooth chainrings, a third to protect 42 tooth Micro/Hyper outers and the last to protect 44 tooth Micro/Hyper outers. The large 50 tooth model weighs 192.5 grams, the smaller 46/8 tooth model weighs 172.5 grams. Please be sure to specify size and color.
Size-42-44-46-48 / Color-BK-L-S $ Price in Catalog
Rock Ring Chainring Protector
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