Rock Shox -Cartridge Leaks

RockShox, Inc.
401 Charcot Avenue
San Jose, CA 95131
FAX 408.232.7496

December, 1995

Dear RockShox Customers:

As you may know, a number of our JUDY customers are experiencing oil leaks from the cartridges. This problem effects the JUDY suspension forks and not the rest of our product line because the JUDY cartridge design concept is unique. Not all JUDY's are affected, but any is too many.

Since we first heard about this problem, we have made a number of improvements to the cartridge body and assembly with even more improvements on the way. We feel we have corrected the problem with the units currently in production, however, some carteridges in the field coulds still develop this leakage problem.

This experience has taught us that our test standards, already among the best in the industry, were not high enough. Consequently, we have revamped our test procedures and are investing in more sophisticated equipment designed to catch these bugs before you, our customers do. This will enable us to produce a much higher quality, more reliable product, and it will also lead to greater advances in performance.

If you have a leaking cartriddge, call us direct at 1.800.677.7177. We will be happy to answer your questions and replace your cartridge free of charge. Until this problem is behind us, RockShox will extend warranty protection on all JUDY cartridges.

On behalf of all of us here at RockShox, I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused abd I thank you for your patience as we work through the solutions.

Sincerely, Paul Turner Founder and VP Research & Development

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